Cantonese in Games: Template
Existing pages
- Cyberpunk 2077 (WIP 60%)
- Grand Theft Auto III (2001) (WIP 5%)
- True Crime: New York City (2004) (WIP 10%)
Games pages planned so far:
- Heart of China (1991)
- Inspector Gadget: Mission 1 – Global Terror! (1992)
- Outrunners (1993)
- Tekken 2 (1995)
- Virtua Fighter 3 (1996)
- Kowloon's Gate (1997)
- Tekken 3 (1997)
- Tekken Tag Tournament (1999)
- Test Drive 6 (1999)
- Fear Effect (2000)
- Deus Ex (2000)
- Shenmue II (2001)
- 007: Agent Under Fire (2001)
- Solider of Fortune II: Double Helix (2002)
- Bruce Lee: Quest of the Dragon (2002)
- Wreckless: The Yakuza Missions (2002)
- Project Gotham Racing 2 (2003)
- Jet Li: Rise to Honor (2004)
- Hitman: Contracts (2004)
- Gran Turismo 4 (2004)
- Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories (2005)
- Perfect Dark: Zero (2005)
- Tony Hawk's Downhill Jam (2007)
- Grand Theft Auto IV (2008)
- Lost Horizon (2010)
- Mafia 2 (2010)
- Kung Fu Rider (2010)
- Call of Duty: Black Ops (2010)
- Sleeping Dogs (2012)
- Resident Evil 6 (2012)
- Grid 2 (2013)
- Shadowrun Hong Kong (2015)
- Watch Dogs 2 (2016)
- Red Dead Redemption II (2018)
- 港詭實錄ParanormalHK (2020)
Do you think I missed any game (which is very possible)? Please feel free to send us a mail!
This webpage is a pure hobby project funded by myself and crafted on in my free time. If you would like to contribute monetarily, please visit my Ko-fi page